The Port Noise Liaison Committee (PNLC) comprises seven members, three Port Hills Residents elected by the community, three appointed by Port Nelson Ltd, and an Independent Chairman. The PNLC meets at least 4 times per year.
The role of the PNLC is to:
- Consider all noise issues arising from the Port operation;
- Carry out the functions identified in and oversee the implementation of the Port Noise Management Plan and Port Noise Mitigation Plan;
- Ensure the Port is aware of the noise concerns of its neighbours and are taking steps to minimise and mitigate Port noise;
- Ensure the Port is accurately measuring noise levels;
- Ensure the Port and Port users adopt the best practical options to ensure noise does not exceed a reasonable level;
- Monitor the acoustic treatment of properties within the noise contour areas.
The PNLC meets quarterly and the minutes from recent meetings can be found in the side menu.
PNLC Annual Newsletter
The PNLC has moved to digitize the annual newsletter moving forward. You can view the newsletter in the link below.
Click here to view the 2024 newsletter
You can also sign up to receive this newsletter and other updates in to your inbox by subscribing to our PNLC email list.
Community representative's contact details
You can contact any of the community representatives if you would like to know more about the role of the PNLC or if you would like to discuss port noise.
Ian Wright – Email: Ph 021 997 885
Robin Whalley – Email: Ph 027 747 7298
Tony Vining – Email: Ph 021 463 739